Saturday, September 11, 2010

Dushcene Archery Hunt

Duschene Archery Hunt
Every year Dave, his brothers, & close friend Ben go head up to Duschene Ridge for the Archery hunt to try & stick a buck. I was so lucky to be able to join them for the second day & I loved it!! While hanging out with Mike I was able to capture this photo of him....
Most epic photo I believe I have ever taken/seen
.....Miguel your one dominant guy!

I love this photo of these two brothers, I love how close they are & how much fun they have together. Dave was so excited for his brothers & Ben to come, it was so great having them here!!
Ha, Mike just couldn't resist & that squirrel never had a chance!!
This was Mike's kill of the day, he wasn't able to get a buck for the day but he for sure didn't leave empty handed!
I love it here, its so open & away from everyone....but absolutely beautiful!
Tucker LOVES it up here!! He gets so excited to go to Duschene & as soon as he gets out of the truck he just bolts & runs around, he just zooms by you every once in a while at full speed. Then he goal is to rip out every sage bush in site. He is just my silliest pup!

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